Thursday, October 14, 2010

down on the farm


i can't thank you all enough for kater's blankies.
they go EVERYWHERE with us.
even though i swore i would never be one of those parents.
y'know, the ones that let their kid drag their blankie around.
but i've learned a few things along the way.
most important, pick your battles.

thank heavens she didn't literally drag it around.
that farm was dirty and dusty.
(i know, i know. it's a farm. but i'm NOT a farm girl)

despite the dirt, the outing with bb, liz and friends was great.
the weather was gorgeous and the ducks were friendly.

maybe a little too friendly....
kate was shaking with fear and kept slowly backing away from them.
oh, my sweet little terrified child.

 thanks so much for your thoughtfulness.
we love, love, LOVE those blankets!


and a few more pics for nana

 have you booked those flights yet??

we're going to need moving help after thanksgiving.
if you don't come to entertain katers, 
she will be plopped in front of the tv while i pack
and her brain will implode from elmo, dinosaur train and superwhy excess.
do you really want that fate for your granddaughter??

(if liz's face on the tractor doesn't do it for you, i don't know what will)



Sarah said...

I am glad that you like them! I am going to take the credit for this post since I am the one that discovered these and wanted to share them with all! Kate is so adorable and I enjoy reading your blog! Take Care!!

Anonymous said...

Those are the best blankets ever.. and Yes Sarah was the one that got me hooked. Don't fell bad about Kate still hauling hers around... George is 2 and it still goes everywhere with us!!