Wednesday, May 18, 2011

another celebration? don't mind if we do.

this is what our sunday looked like.

it was harry's blessing day.
the food was delicious.
harry's outfit was adorable.
despite a few people having really bad colds/coughs, it was a great day.

things i love::

tyler's face [he pulls that look nearly every time i stick a camera in his face]
my mom's joy in her grandkids- she would gladly hold babies and play with toddlers all day.
that jank always has his itouch with him so he can check espn.
chocolate mousse and the survivor finale [boston rob is a survivor-genius. so glad he won]
my dad's willingness to help with anything and anyone [except stinky diapers, he draws the line at that one]
bb's yummy cooking. jank said it tasted like restaurant food- i agreed.
being together with my family- we don't always see eye-to-eye but we love each other, and that's what really matters.



ATTrio said...

I love all of these pictures! Your family is growing :)

Kelli said...

Love the instagram pics! So cute.

Kerrianne said...

I'm gonna miss seeing these pics if you move... but I support you! Life is full of lots of journeys! Can't wait to see where this new one takes you!

Springs Hollow Relief Society Presidency said...

I am glad to see that Brian is NOT the only glued to his phone to check really does make me feel much better! Hope your doing great...hopefully we will see you for a bit this weekend!!