my daughter intensely loves you.
every nite i walk around the apartment scooping you up.
funnels, whisks, measuring spoons are scattered everywhere after a day full of playing.
excuse the birthday streamers- i have taken them down now [and mourned them- they were so pretty!]
but then i thought about kate's face as she makes music with you.
she bangs on mirrors, the couch, and pots and pans with the whisks and spoons.
and sings [yells] through the funnel.
suddenly, i wasn't annoyed anymore.
because there is nothing as beautiful as seeing kate's face light up with joy.
and that's worth every teaspoon and whisk i find under my pillow.
Did you get a new camera? That top picture of Kate is totally adorable, I love it. And who needs toys when you have pots and pans?
Kate's face is pretty cute. Love the one on the bottom left. Funny stuff.
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